Workouts, Weight Loss, and Women 1/7

Workouts, Weight Loss, and Women 1/7

Topic: Workouts, Weight Loss, and Women

Rebecca and Cari, both owners of fitness studios specifically for women, will lead a talk about all the B.S. fads and weight-related drama targeting women. They cut through the sensational claims and give real-life, common sense strategies to change how you think about your body and your health.

-Consistency gets results
-Unclog your mind about health and fitness
-Stop listening to all the fads and listen to your body
-Why it’s a lifestyle and not a diet/why diets don't work
-Do you have to exercise?
-What should you be eating/not eating? 

Speakers: Cari has been involved in women's fitness since 2008 when she started working for the women's gym where she had lost over 80 pounds as a member. She wanted to help other women find their own success. Working there, she fell in love with teaching classes like spin, step aerobics, and cross training, plus working one on one with women as a personal trainer. In 2017, she started her own mobile personal training business bringing the workouts right into her clients' homes. After being introduced to Kaia FIT, she knew that this special company was where she could make the biggest difference to the largest number of women. She has worked as a Weight Watchers leader coaching hundreds of people in CA and ID through their weight loss journeys. She holds a national certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine with a specialization in Weight Loss Nutrition, and is now a certified Kaia coach! In addition to her fitness industry experience, Cari has also worked in sales and recruiting for over 10 years, bringing a lot of experience in growing businesses and managing high-performing teams.

Before Rebecca got into fitness she worked in Human Resources for over 15 years with amazing success, becoming well known in the HR community for her drive, knowledge and experience. She loved her career but, absolutely hated living the hamster wheel of life! Rebecca had a dream... and that dream was BIG!! That dream was to help women live their best life. With many of her own life experiences and the experiences of her family, she truly believes without your health you do not have anything! With that core value in life, Rebecca jumped into all of her fears and opened EnVie Fitness in 2016. In May of 2018, she walked away from her corporate gig to make her dream come true. Rebecca is a previous fitness figure and pageant competitor. She loves fulfilling her desire to go for things that take her out of her comfort zone. She has mentored with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society running team and is a Girls on The Run coach. Rebecca is also on the board of directors for a local charity. She is certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer who believes in balance to live the best life.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 01-07-2020 11:15 am
Meeting End Date/Time 01-07-2020 1:30 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 33
Remaining Seats Available 2
Location Twigs Bistro

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